It’s 2018 what a time to be alive...
First day of the first month of the new year, smile you made it through 2017 it didn’t break you it only made you a better person for what it’s worth. It’s a new season. Breath deeply and get ready for a heavy change. Cos that’s the most constant thing in life.
Here are a few pointers into the right direction for the new year.
No space for going around in circles it’s a new year.
A lot of us start the new year with thoughts of a new year resolution, a new year should come with some new things, but isn’t it better to focus on a NEW YOU’s RESOLUTION. Begin the year with a new personality, new spark, new ginger, new hunger for more, new state of mind. Have it behind your mind that you are the ruler of your own world. Like a room you sleep in you have the power to change the set up, the cleanliness and all the ambience. Same goes for your life. You can get rid of old clothes, old beliefs, old notions that didn’t work for you in 2017, emphasis on “material things” and “thought patterns” not people. We will get there in a minute.
Removing items and ideas that didn’t work for you or were useless in the year 2017 is a great way to start. Put them on the side line and watch you move with better speeds after shedding dead weight.
Simply walk away from all the bad ideas, bad habits, bad attitudes and bad thought patterns you had in 2017, no one is a better judge of what was good or bad for you.
Secondly, a lot of us begin the year with the notion of “blame” we look back at 2017 and blame all the bad things that happened to us on the people we moved with in 2017 and then saying we want to delete certain contacts, or stop rolling with certain people or family that were useless, those are lies, shifting blames on anyone else but you for mistakes you made are irresponsible and self deceitful. Have you ever thought to yourself that if your friends are responsible for who you are then why bear your name? Why don’t you bear the names of your friends. Don’t you believe that you are the MASTER of your own destiny, the leader of your own SELF CLAN. No one has a right or power to steer your life into a particular direction unless you give them the steering and rudder to direct your life.
Become that contact no one can afford to lose, become that busienss partner that is sought for, become that individual that everyone refers to only for good things, the one that people emulate, be the example your friends learn from, be that 1 eyed king in the land of the blind. This begins with loving yourself first realizing that you cannot love anyone else if you don’t love yourself first. Know that you alone deserves the best respect from SELF. When you begin to think this way you set yourself up for SELF CONTROL. Trust me when you are able to control your own world and your own person this is the first key to the control of the world.
Remember that leadership isn’t all about being at the top. Leadership can happen from any point. As long as you are in the midst of the world you have a role to play in leadership. Start with you!!!!
Thirdly, lastly and not least is the question of VALUE. Are you one of those people that say 1 billion fall on me in 2018 without a 1 billion naira master plan! Are you the baba ijebu player or naira bet investor? Are you a slay mama and slay queen waiting for your sugar daddy to fall from heaven and buy you a house in banana island or plantain Avenue?
Well ask yourself that how did that play out for you in 2017? I don’t care how it must have went as long as you came to this year without anything tangible all those notions belong in the dustbin. The only notions you should keep up and add more fuel to is the ideas of creation and generation and productivity. That business idea, that catering business, the fashion blog and marketing idea, the partnership with some suppliers that will bring your products you can sell and be an ambassador for, or that job you have been doing exams for, as long as it is positive and productive add more fuel to the fire and if you haven’t started today is such a a perfect day to begin.
2018 in reality, in fact is a year of harder work, a year of winning, a year of sacrifice a year of fighting to win a year of perseverance and finally the best year YET’ keep it in mind that challenges will come, there will be sharp corners, there will be tough times, the question is are you courageous ? Are you sharp? And are you tough? These are the things to prepare much as you do these you are sure to have an amazing 2018. Above all, prayer, it cannot be over emphasized. God is the master and determined of all our affairs, start with him and you will never regret.
Thanks and God bless for giving us a little of your time to read our blog.
Chief strategist
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